Practical Tips on How to Write an Opinion Essay

Opinion essays are fun to write, but that doesn’t make writing them easier. As far as most students are concerned, essay writing tasks should be completely scrapped from the curriculum. However, since that’s never going to happen, the best thing to do is learn how to write essays beautifully. This article will provide practical tips on writing an opinion essay worthy of grade A.

How to write an opinion essay

First off, let’s be clear on what an opinion essay is. An opinion essay is a formal writing piece that presents the author’s view on a subject using examples and reasoning. The author also suggests the opposing viewpoint, but they follow them with arguments showing the former’s inconsistencies. Below is a simplified guide on how to write an opinion essay paragraph.

Step 1: Learn the differences

First, you need to learn what makes opinion essays different from persuasive essays. In a persuasive essay, you provide counterpoints, describe the topic from different perspectives, and persuade the reader to agree with you. You focus only on what you think about the issue in an opinion essay, supporting your opinion with facts and examples.

Step 2: Create an opinion essay outline

Now that you understand the difference, the next step is to create an outline for the essay. You’re breaking down your list of ideas and creating an organized place for your thoughts at this stage. You create the outline as you research the topic, placing the pieces of evidence where they fit the most. An opinion essay outline is essential because it makes writing the actual essay more straightforward and faster.

Step 3: Follow the format

Once you’ve researched the topic and organized your thoughts and points, it is time to write your opinion essay. While the body paragraphs take the most information, the introduction and conclusion parts are the hardest to write. So, first, you need to learn how to develop an introduction; it is a roadmap that describes your paper’s direction. The introduction serves as and contains the opinion essay hooks that make the rest of your writing irresistible.

Once you’ve hooked your audience with your introduction, you can expand your main ideas with supporting points in the paragraphs. Finally, conclude with a broad summary of your thoughts, giving your audience a good understanding of your arguments.

Different ways to start an opinion essay

Many students find explaining their viewpoints difficult, which shows a lack of critical thinking grades. If you need help on how to start your opinion essay, here are fifteen ideas to get you started:

  1. I believe…
  2. It appears to me that…
  3. My main reason is…
  4. It is my opinion that…
  5. I feel or think that…
  6. I don’t think it is…
  7. From where I’m standing…
  8. Studies show that…
  9. For example, or instance…
  10. To me…
  11. I argue that…
  12. Although…
  13. In conclusion…
  14. Despite/in spite of…
  15. It is a well-known fact that…

Examples of Good Opinion Essay Topics

If you’ve got an opinion essay to submit but aren’t sure what to write on, we will give you some ideas to start with. Good opinion essay topics can be opinion essay hooks that instantly describe what the article is about

Opinion essay ideas for an outstanding piece

  1. Does social media really ruin relationships, or is there more to it?
  2. What can eradicate corruption?
  3. Lack of freedom of speech in media
  4. What I perceive a president’s role should be
  5. The true reasons for the Cold War
  6. My take on the ethicality of private prisons
  7. Polar bears: the legacy of the world
  8. Chipping animals isn’t ethical
  9. What causes autism
  10. There is racial bias in healthcare.


Writing an opinion essay can be tasking, but it can also be fun; you must learn the basics. The secret is choosing a subject that interests you and simply saying what you think about the subject.

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